Saturday, November 13, 2010


So I am reading the book "Radical" by David Platt and it has been challenging and refreshing hearing someone speak of the church and christians in the way I believe many people think but don't say! I recommend every christian read it.

But his title is all wrong! I like David and I know I've never written much less titled a book but I think calling this book 'radical' just continues the trend of reserving the level of commitment to Christ that God desires for the few! If I am radical about something then there are people who are normatively enthusiastic about it! It's different than a sports fan and a sports fan with 7 fantasy league teams! Genuine "christianity" and biblical commitment to God is an all or nothing standard, there is one ruler, you are or you aren't.

I understand the process of sanctification and growth that leads us to know and trust God more. I understand that today, at this moment not all followers of Christ (I would include my self) are not entirely at the genuine, biblical commitment level that God desires for us all, but my problem is this: we tend to reserve a camp for those believers mid-way up the mountain and call them climbers.

I think the name of the book should be 'Normal'.

I'm sure David and his publishing company didn't intend for me to feel this way - but in many ways I am growing more and more tired to calling base-camp my destination and me a climber! I want to know what all God has for me and to know all His is - or at least I want it!! I happen to believe that all believers are called to same genuine, biblical (normal for us) level of commitment...OUR LIVES! Anything short of this is not genuine or biblical Christianity!

It may be radical to the world, but it is normal for those of us who've been changed by Him!

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