Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to Obey God When You Can't...

God made you. He is perfectly aware of what you are and what you are not capable of. Sometimes that means that you will never be asked or impassioned to do anything that doesn't come naturally to you and doesn't!

Basically: can you do a Hard Thing for the glory of God even when you are, all things considered, not capable of doing that thing? You're not good at it - you are nervous - you are scared - you've never done it before - you're too young - too old - too ______!

I think we learn something big in the story if Gideon. His limitation: allowed by God only a 300-man army versus a countless multitude (Judges 7) when 22,000 were available to him! Here's the point, we will all experience limitations when it comes to obeying God or acting on our God-given passions! And the kicker is...God set those limitations on you...knowing what he wound request of you and what your passions would demand of you one day.

So here is how you obey God when you can't _____. Do the 80% you ARE capable of and trust God for the 20% you are (naturally) incapable of. Your 80% may be just showing up, making the phone call, standing up to someone or simply entertaining the idea of trusting God! But do your part and lean on Him!

I've heard that "If you can easily picture yourself accomplishing your dreams, you don't have God-sized dreams" and the way I see it in scripture is if God calls you to do something you can't do, He expects (even desires) to get involved and get glory only He deserves in the first place!

(Gideon and the Israelites won by the way!)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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