Monday, July 5, 2010

Moral Obligation vs "How?"

You know those great things you have always wanted to do with your life - they are the things you get more serious about as time goes on until you just have to do something about it! Maybe they show up each year as new years resolutions but you dont say it out loud because then you would have to do something about it! For me, going into student ministry was one of those things and I've had several since but lately something else has been added to this 'really important to-do list'! I'm not going to tell you what it is now (because it still scares me to say it out loud) but I will say its bigger than hiking and camping the Grand Canyon (which i really want to do)! I would even say that this thing is creeping its way into my life as a Moral Obligation! Something I (...eventually) MUST do!!

but I have an enemy!

Of course, what thing worth doing or blogging about wouldn't have obstacle! Would Luke S. rescue of the known galaxy have been worth watching if it were not for a dramatic, death-defying dual with his biological enemy! No story is worth writing unless a hero is pit against a worthy villain forcing an audience to question: 'how will he do it?!" Fortunately, I do not have a mortal arch-enemy but just as powerful of an obstacle is this 3-letter word:


My biggest problem with "how?" is that you can't blame it! its irresponsible not to ask it but Im beginning to think that this enemy has held many before me back from living a life of Moral Obligation worth reading, writing...or blogging about! Time, money, talent, luck, opportunity, energy all need to be in question but I've noticed the second I don't a good answer, I've lost and my really important task gets pushed back to next January's 'really important to-do list'.

As a Christian, I should have an advantage. I trust that, at some point, it is the Holy Spirit of God that puts things like this in my head and in my heart and therefore I can trust God to help provide, protect and all that good stuff but it still leaves my enemy without a great explanation many times! I desire to honor God and give Him glory with my life and may just need to trust Him in a way I've never had to before...simple enough... be continued.

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