Sunday, December 14, 2008


We all want to accomplish things and some of us have what we would call a vision for our future - what could and should be for our lives. But there is a down side to the whole 'pursue your dream' thing. And that is this; that being and doing all you had hoped becoming ULTIMATE! Seeing our dreams and visions come to fruition for coming to fruition's sake is the main danger here!
I believe that God is up to something way more than even providing miraculously for you to see your vision come to pass. I believe God accomplishes as much IN as He does THRU our obedience and leadership. And ultimately, He originates and works out our visions for His glory and that people would be closer to Him at the end of the day!
Remember this next time you consider your vision the end all, be all. God has different and bigger plans. To grow and mature you and bring others closer to Him. I think there is a mindset that will do us well: You and I are as replaceable as we are necessary - and its all about HIM.

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