Tuesday, December 30, 2008

DETOUR...or not.

Recently i have had the fear that i am sure quite a few people have. What exactly is God's destination for my life and am i on the right path? I feel this way specifically because it feels like i am on a detour and might be here for a while and frankly, that can be scary and tough!
but the other day while listening to a song from Robbie Seay band, i heard a line that said, "You're the one who chased us. You're the one who started all of this." and it hit me...
God doesnt deal with destinations! He deals with, you guessed it, the JOURNEY!
See, i firmly believe that if we genuinely desire (and are willing to make tough decisions when necessary) to do the wise things and prayerfully seek God, that we ARE on the right path. imagine what our terrified, paniced indecision communicates to God...something like. 'God, help me because i believe that i have ability, even when i want to do whats best, to mess up YOUR plan for my life.'
Who is bigger, you or God? right, and His will for you and me cant be thwarted (messed up - fun word to use) by anyone with a heartbeat. We are human and small - He is God! not a god, but God!
So next time you feel like you are on a detour, just realize that there is always some construction toward your "destination", keep reading signs and you will be back on the road at some point. but for now, enjoy the journey!

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