Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Just the other day, as i walked into the house from work and my two year old son - Graham, ran toward me to tackle me (something we have recently been practicing - "wrap and push over") anyways, and he actually almost took my lets from under me! Once i regained my balance (and told him what a great hit that was), i looked down at him to see his face as big as i have ever seen it; he was excited about something! He finally asked if he could go out on our front porch steps and "see what we see" (we had done this the day before - and i guess he liked it). So out we went, we sat down and started looking around.

I would ask 'What do you see?' and he would answer. I would then up the difficulty of our "game" and drill him by pointing out something and saying, 'What is..that?' and 'What color is it?' - most of the time he was right (he gets it from his mom. She is pretty sharp). So, on we went for about 5 minutes until he pointed and said, "Hey, look. There's the wind!" I didn't really take him seriously or look where he was pointing because - well, lets face it - you cant see the wind. I humored him and tested his rediculous observation and being about 3% serious, I asked, "Yeah, what color is the wind, buddy?" "Green!" he said with a confident smirk. So confident infact, that i had to look where he pointed a minute earlier and when i did - i saw a little green tree being blown by the wind and realized something; that his innocense allowed him notice something pretty profound.

God may be as visible as the wind but the effects of God can be as visible to those around us as we chose to make them when we live out the change He has made in us. "They will see your good works, and give glory to your father in heaven." - Matthew 5.16

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