Friday, April 17, 2009


I imaging that you did the same thing when we were a kid.  A new toy would flash across the tv screen during a commercial or you would pass the toy of your dreams in the aisle and you begin plotting to get it.  first you just ask the parents.  then the guilt move.  then comes the begging!  I dont know about you, but by that point i usually got the toy! (only child) Well, that did not last forever and at some point i started noticing something...

The more i trashed or disregarded the things I ALREADY HAD, the less likely i was to get NEW things.  This is a powerful principle when it comes to wanting new 'stuff' but it became a lot more powerful when i learned that God uses this principle.  its called STEWARDSHIP!

We all want God to speak to us, to clear up confusion, to show us which way to go or what to do...But, if we are disobeying or even disregarding what He has already said to us, can we really expect Him to speak more?!

What has the Spirit spoken to your heart last week or last year, what is written in the Bible, what is Godly wisdom from a friend that you are overlooking?  I believe God wants to be real to us, but we are responsible for stewarding what He has shown us before we can rightfully expect Him to show us much more!

Luke 12:48b
Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! 

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