Saturday, October 18, 2008


something has been bugging the crap out of me lately.  It seems that witnessing (sharing the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ) can be reduced to "So, you wanna come to my church."  what in the world...and when did we...and who thought it was.....i dont get it.  I'm not saying that inviting some to our church will prevent them from discovering, submitting to and following Christ, but shouldnt the emphasis by on our lives out in the world.  Shouldn't we build relationships with unbelievers that are real and genuine enough that they see a difference in us not just our church!

Andy Stanley, a pastor of a large multi-site church in Atlanta, teaches something that i can get behind!  They teach their people the 'Invest and Invite' Principle.  Once you have invested to a certain point in an unbeliever's life, then inviting them to church has its place.  When i look at scripture, it seems the most effective evangelistic/witnessing tool is a life that seems to be going the opposite way, commited to something much more meaningful and powerful than themselves; a life that is different!  Be different.  I am convinced that the way we spend our money, time and energy should look different that the world.  Lets focus on following Jesus, being different - investing in unbelievers and when necessary invite them to your church.   (check out Leeland's song: Opposite Way)

1 comment:

Christian Salafia said...

Lets focus on following Jesus, being different - investing in unbelievers and when necessary invite them to your church.

I think you hit the nail on the head there. Too often witnessing today does simply consist of "ya wanna go?" type stuff and not enough investing in peoples' lives.

The way Steven Furtick explained it this weekend was awesome.... "Feed them and they will come."

We all miss you dude!