Saturday, October 25, 2008


Last week I was wearing a shirt with "Blessed" across the front (I don't make it a habit of professing my beliefs via apparel but this is a cool shirt & it fits me well).  Anways, I walked by this woman on the phone who, seeing my shirt, covered her phone and whispered, "I like your shirt!"  I am guessing she commented on the "blessed" and not the fit.  But either way, I had forgotten what particular shirt I was wearing so I glanced down to be reminded.  Immediately I was convicted (this means God tells me "Shut up. You're wrong!" - but in love.)

Why was I convicted?  Well, here's what you need to know...At the time, I was actually walking out of the hospital in a bit of a bad mood and I had just started a pitty-party for myself, because my wife just had surgery then was sent to the hospital, I was watching both of our cranky boys, juggling calls and to-dos for a job that i couldnt go into the office for, and I hadn't slept a lot in the past month or so.  I was stressed!

But, the moment this woman directed my attention to my own shirt, I realized that though i didn't feel blessed, I was!  I am blessed!  I know I need Jesus to be saved, I have a beautiful wife and two amazing boys that are mine.  I am healthy and have a job doing what I love.  And besides that (and I mean this most of the time and want to mean it all of the time) I have breath in my lungs...I am alive to know and experience God more and watch Him use me more today!  I am blessed.  That night I had a thought: the moment I don't FEEL blessed is the moment I realize that I took it granted!  Count your blessings today!  

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